FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions - Rotary Club Information


RFE typically stands for "Rotary Friendship Exchange." It's a program facilitated by Rotary International where Rotarians and their families have the opportunity to visit other Rotary clubs around the world and stay with Rotarian hosts. The goal is to promote international understanding, goodwill, and peace by fostering friendships and cultural exchange between Rotarians from different countries. Through RFE, participants can experience different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles firsthand while building connections and strengthening the global Rotary network.

In the context of Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE), an "exchange" refers to the reciprocal visit between Rotarians and their families from different countries. It involves Rotarians hosting members from another Rotary club in their homes and communities, and in turn, being hosted by those Rotarians when they visit the other country. During the exchange, participants engage in cultural activities, community service projects, and fellowship events, fostering international understanding and building friendships across borders. The exchange experience allows participants to immerse themselves in the culture, traditions, and daily life of the host country while also sharing their own culture and experiences with their hosts.

To join a Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE), begin by expressing your interest to your local Rotary club and checking eligibility criteria. Attend information sessions organized by your district or club to learn about upcoming exchanges and the application process. Submit an application form, providing personal details and preferences for destinations. Participants are selected based on availability, compatibility, and the program's objectives. If chosen, prepare for the exchange by making travel arrangements, obtaining necessary documents, and familiarizing yourself with the host country's culture. Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, forge friendships, and contribute to the program's goals by participating fully in exchange activities.

To create an exchange request for a Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE), certain requirements typically need to be met: Rotary Membership: You should be a member in good standing of a Rotary club. RFEs are usually organized by Rotary International and involve Rotarians from different clubs around the world. Rotary District Approval: Your Rotary district may have specific guidelines or requirements for participating in RFEs. Check with your district leadership or RFE coordinator to ensure you meet these criteria. Availability: You should be available to participate in the exchange during the specified dates. RFEs typically involve hosting participants from another country in your home and visiting their country in return, so flexibility with your schedule is important. Commitment to Rotary Values: RFEs aim to promote international understanding, goodwill, and peace through cultural exchange and friendship. As a participant, you should be committed to upholding Rotary's values of service, integrity, diversity, and leadership. Ability to Host: If you are applying to host participants from another country, you should have the ability to accommodate them in your home and provide hospitality during their stay. Open-mindedness and Respect: Participants should approach the exchange experience with an open mind, willingness to learn about different cultures, and respect for the customs and traditions of their hosts. Application Process: Follow the application process outlined by your Rotary district or club. This may involve completing an application form, attending information sessions, and undergoing selection procedures.

RFE involves Rotarians hosting participants from another Rotary club in their homes and communities, and in return, being hosted by those Rotarians when they visit the other country. The exchange typically includes cultural activities, fellowship events, and community service projects.

Participating in RFE allows Rotarians to experience different cultures firsthand, build lasting friendships with fellow Rotarians around the world, and contribute to the objectives of Rotary International in promoting peace and understanding.

Participants are responsible for covering their travel expenses, including transportation, accommodation, and meals. However, hosting and visiting Rotarians often provide hospitality during the exchange.

The duration of an RFE can vary depending on the exchange program and the preferences of the participants. Exchanges may last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.

RFE is primarily designed for Rotarians and their families. However, non-Rotarians may be able to participate as guests or accompany Rotarian participants, depending on the guidelines set by the organizing Rotary district or club.

Yes, participants can often express their preferences for destinations when applying for an RFE. However, actual placements may depend on factors such as availability, compatibility with exchange partners, and the objectives of the program.

RFE itineraries often include cultural excursions, sightseeing tours, visits to Rotary projects, participation in club meetings and service activities, and opportunities for socializing with host families and local Rotarians.

Participants should be respectful of the customs, traditions, and cultural norms of the host country. It's important to be open-minded, flexible, and willing to learn from your hosts' cultural practices.

Many participants maintain friendships and ongoing communication with their RFE hosts and fellow exchange participants through social media, email, and Rotary events. Some may even plan future visits or collaborations.